Chembrains was among the 8 Envirolys 2022 prizes winner.
New users of our Prosampler 20L
We delivered two units of our programmable automatic sampler, the Prosampler 20L, which allows water sampling (composite and instantaneous samples), according to personalized programming on a touch screen, and the monitoring of certain parameters on site (pH, Temp. , etc.). It has access and data collection via a USB key, and remotely with a wifi connection.
Technology validation and optimization tests
After the demonstration of feasibility on a laboratory scale, the new technologies move on to validation at pilot scale to undergo the final adjustments and arrive at the parameters for industrial scale-up. Our team worked on the validation of the new chrome effluent treatment technology at a large surface treatment company. It is at its third industrial scale installation. We manage to handle flow rates up to 75 L / min and more with at the output concentrations of total chromium which are close to undetectable in addition to recovering this chromium in a recoverable form.